International Women’s Day – 8th March

At Gateway Women’s Centre, we love to celebrate International Women’s Day.  Over the past few years, we have marked the occasion in a number of ways – a craft stall, quizzes and games, handmade goodies and special cakes!  This year, although we can’t be together, we still intend to celebrate. 

We are posting out gifts to the women who use Gateway.  Our supporters and volunteers have donated time, skills, gifts and money, and we have made up gift bags full of treats.  We hope they will remind the women that they are unique, special and loved. 

Our gifts have come from a variety of places, including the Braemore Residents Group, Tesco and Whitehawk Foodbank.  Pippa Newton-John, Lucy Dawe (Lawson and Dawe) and Property Fusion also gave generous donations, enabling us to post out the gifts.  We have had a whole team of talented volunteers and supporters sewing up the gift bags, while another volunteer has been packaging up chocolate gifts.

At Gateway, we celebrate the achievements of the women we know every day of the year, and especially on International Women’s Day!International Women’s Day’s theme this year is Choose to Challenge. The Day celebrates the achievements of women, and also raises awareness of gender inequality.

We are also partnering with Coop Local in Hove and Portslade with a creative competition where women can design, draw, paint, crochet, knit, write or photograph iconic women or convey some of their experience during lockdown. The resulting art will go on the Coop Local Facebook pages with the incentive of a Coop hamper from in-store as a prize.

Brighton women’s business network and support group Found and Flourish is running a series of online events on the 8th with a voluntary admission charge for attendance to support the Gateway Centre.

At Gateway Women’s Centre, we believe strongly in challenging gender bias and inequality, and celebrating the strengths of the amazing women we work with. Visit the International Women’s Day website if you would like to know more.


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